Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Network Marketing The Doorway to Residual Income

What kind of opportunity in this world will give you residual income? Who are the people able to build residual income long after they have finished the job?

If you are not a singer, a writer or the originator of a product you possibilities of generating residual income are close to none.

That is why network marketing is surpassing everything else most of us can do as for residual income is concerned. Network marketing is the answer to anybody who dreams to own his or her life. Would this be the reason why more and more people are making the jump in network marketing in an overnight decision to get rich quick?

Back to reality, however, 95% of network marketers fail at what they do because they do not have the proper training or simply make mistakes they should avoid at all cost.

The network marketer needs to be educated in his field just like a plumber or a doctor needs to be educated in his.

Network marketing is a craft not a hobby and you need to know your craft in order to succeed. You need to know what is involved. You need to be credible and you need to know who your target market is. Even before that, most importantly, you need to know how to read your policies and procedures that will enable you to learn how to recognize the business models of a company.

Company Business Model Drives The Behavior In The Field. The business model will drive the behavior of the company. Its integrity and loyalty to the distributor will in the end also drive the behavior of the distributor.

If the company model is dishonest or disloyal toward its own distributor it will be impossible for the distributor to be totally honest with his or her prospect. If the company is a loyal and honest one its distributor will be honest and loyal to his or her prospects. There will be nothing to hide.

Even if those network marketing companies are all legal in opposition to pyramid scams and gifting programs, not all of them are fair and honest companies. If you are not in a 5 pillar company you will never be able to generate residual income. This means that you will not be able to retire and the very principal ingredient of the network marketing system which is “residual income” will be none existent in this case.

If you are in a solid 5 pillar company, however, your future will be yours and everything you are building today will be yours tomorrow. You will have freedom! You will have freedom to create, freedom to choose and freedom to be. Is this something you would be interested in? Then it is not too late for you to take advantage of the education that other network marketers have acquired and put at the disposition of the people to teach them how to build their business and be successful professional network marketers.