Streaming Video
Streaming media technology enables the real time or on demand distribution of audio, video and multimedia on the Internet and when one talks of streaming video it simply refers to the simultaneous transfer of digital media in the form of a video communication that is received as a continuous real-time stream. Thus, any data in the form of a video that is streamed and transmitted by a server application and received and displayed in real-time by client applications is termed as streaming video technology. This is an essential part of online advertising and now even mobile phone companies are beginning to sit up and take note of the instant and spontaneous effect of streaming video communication processes.
While streaming video has many benefits, the foremost is the immediate and full-on impact that visuals and relevant context data messaging have on the viewer. Online advertising using streaming video applications function on sending across messaging that is visually appealing and creatively packaged to attract viewer attention so the viewer is compelled to start displaying video or playing back audio with the video as soon as enough data has been received and stored in the receiving station’s buffer. In the case of streaming video, a streamed file is simultaneously downloaded and viewed, but leaves behind no physical file on the viewer's machine. This is the preferred form of streaming video access favored by most first time web viewers.
Most ad agency executives believe that lack of consumer access to the streaming video technology is one reason their clients are not interested in this form of advertising. But, the fact that broadband penetration is at an all time high needs to be re-established firmly. Ad executives also feel that clients are skeptical about the high cost of streaming video, which is a fallacy since the expense is a misconception. Only those actually working gin the field of streaming media and streaming video solutions, like Innovateads, California, can debunk this belief as expert broadcasters have sure means of cost-cutting and still benefiting clients.
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