Telephone Sales and Legislative Loop Holes are a Sham
The number of legislative loopholes in the telemarketing act are completely unfair to consumers. When the United States citizens voted and told their representatives in Congress and the Senate that they no longer wanted to be harassed while eating dinner or at home from pesky telephone salespeople they meant it.
However, politicians due to all the lobbying saw things a different way. Did you know that politicians are allowed to call you for a donation anytime they want? Whereas a small business person is not allowed to call you on the phone. But a large corporation who you may have done business with in the past six months who has you in their customer database may call you and even give your phone number out to other partners of theirs. Even if you are on the DO NOT CALL LIST?
In fact this happens quite often with credit card companies and American Express where they give your phone number out to vendor partners, who are allowed to call you and try to get you to buy something. The telemarketing act was never supposed to be like this, but now we have legislative loopholes, which are a sham and the telephone sales keep going.
Is it OK to be rude to those who call you on the phone trying to sell you something? Absolutely, they are wasting your time and abusing the privilege and it does not matter if it's legal or not, they are bothering you and that is unacceptable and that is not what the law intended so the whole thing is a fraud.
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