Saturday, December 02, 2006

Insolvency And Corparate Bankruptcy In China


China’s insolvency regime is still developing. Insolvency remains a particularly sensitive issue in China because there many technically insolvent state-owned enterprises and financial institutions, forcing China to choose between economic inefficiency and mass lay-offs that could disrupt social stability.

Commencement of Insolvency Action

Both voluntary and involuntary actions are available (instituted by the debtor or a creditor, respectively). An insolvency action begins with an application in the People’s Court for a declaration of insolvency; the applicant must show that the debtor is unable to repay its debts as they come due. A declaration of insolvency will stay all other proceedings against the debtor company, but usually requires the company to suspend its business operations.


The People’s Court will notify creditors of the commencement of insolvency procedures by either written notice or public announcement. Creditors notified by written notice must claim their rights within 30 days of the date of receipt, and creditors who have not received written notice have three months from the public announcement to claim their rights. Missing these deadlines will extinguish the creditor’s claims.


All property either owned by the company at the date of the insolvency declaration or thereafter acquired is available for distribution to creditors, including intellectual property, real estate, equity investments and property recovered from a voidable transaction. This property is usually liquidated through auction.

Voidable Transactions

Certain acts of an SOE are deemed invalid if they are committed any time from six months prior to the court’s acceptance of the insolvency petition to the date of the insolvency declaration (or committed by an FIE within 180 days prior to the commencement of liquidation):

* Sale of property at substantially below market value
* Concealment, secret distributions, or gifts of property
* Surrender of claims as a creditor
* Provision of security for previously unsecured debt
* Repayment of debts prior to maturity

Distribution Priority

Claims must usually be paid in the following order (although in some jurisdictions employee claims outrank even secured creditors):

1. Secured creditors
2. Insolvency expenses
3. Employee wages and unpaid social security payments
4. Outstanding taxes
5. Unsecured creditors

Corporate Bankruptcy Law

China recently adopted a new Corporate Bankruptcy Law to replace the provisional Enterprise Bankruptcy Law that has been in place since 1986, marking a major advance in its corporate bankruptcy system. The law will go into effect on June 1, 2007. This law clarifies the bankruptcy issues of financial organizations, balances the rights and interests labor and guarantee creditors, and redefines the liquidation order in enterprise bankruptcy. China's New Corporate Bankruptcy Law has been badly needed for quite some time, as the development of China’s market economy has naturally resulted in increasing bankruptcies, especially in the state-owned sector.

The law covers all corporate entities including state-owned enterprises, private domestically funded enterprises, and foreign invested enterprises. Perhaps its most praiseworthy feature is a reorganization system to allow ailing enterprises to avoid bankruptcy. It also deals admirably with cross-border bankruptcy issues, and stipulates specific procedures for the handling of debt issues. It offers meaningful guaranteed property rights for mortgage holders, etc., and offers priority to mortgage holders, etc. over staff creditors such as unpaid employees, etc.(unfortunately, state-owned enterprises will not be subject to this rule before the end of 2008 at the earliest). Finally, it arranges for professionalized management of the liquidation process (instead of management by unpaid local government officials who frequently bungle the liquidation).

The Three Reasons Your Sales Stink

Is your organization currently meeting its sales goals?

Besides your market's leaders, who continually meet and surpass their sales goals, a good majority of those in your industry are failing to meet their productivity, sales and revenue expectations.

Although they give many excuses for this (the economy, too much competition, seasonal business, the sun and the moon aren't in alignment, etc.), there really are only three reasons for poor sales. Here they are:

1. No Demand for Your Product or Service

The first reason is nobody wants your product or service. This is rarely the case.

There is a simple test to figure out if this is the reason for your stagnant sales.
- Have you been able to sell your product or service in the past?
- Is another salesperson successful in selling your product or service?
- Is another organization successful in selling your product or service?

If the answer to any of these questions was "yes," there is a market for your goods. Therefore, it must be one of the other two reasons.

2. Ineffective Marketing and Advertising

The second reason for poor sales is your ads and marketing are ineffective. The goal of your advertising is to get your phone to ring, hits on your website or walk-in customers.

The only way you'll accomplish this goal is to distinguish your organization as the one to do business with in your industry. By tracking and measuring all of your ads, you should know which ones are working and which ones you should modify or cancel immediately.

3. Your Salespeople Don't Fit their Jobs

The third and most common reason for poor sales is the 80/20 Dilemma. Unlike your Market's Leaders, you haven't beaten the 80/20 Dilemma; where 80 percent of your sales come from just 20 percent of your salespeople. The dilemma robs your managers of their time and energy and is the most costly issue in sales.

To improve your sales, your number one goal this year is to beat the 80/20 Dilemma. Let me reword that: Not only beat it, but conquer it.

To do so, you must first understand why it has seized your sales force. Here's the hones truth: You simply have hired the wrong people to sell your product or service. Perhaps not all of them, but 80 percent of them.

A recent study of salespeople found that half of the people in sales should have never been hired in the first place. I'm sure you'd agree that the sales profession requires natural qualities that not everybody has.

Of the remaining 50 percent, only half of them will achieve their potential. There are two reasons for this. One, they are trying to sell the wrong product or service. Two, their skills are never properly developed.

That leaves the 20 to 30 percent who are in jobs they fit. They are the people who sell 80 percent of your products and services.

You must realize, your TOP Performing sales people don't meet their goals because they have a great product or service to sell. They don't meet their goals because your advertising and marketing distinguishes you as the one to do business with in your industry.

It still comes down to salesmanship. If quality products and services, and great ads and marketing were their reason for goal accomplishment, wouldn't all of your sales people be exceeding their expectations? If they are, you have succeeded in "Job Fit."

If not, you need to make hiring, developing and retaining only TOP Performing sales stars your number one priority. It is the quickest and easiest way to insure you meet your sales goals in the future.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Are You A Smart Communicator?

Before redoing or beginning any new marketing piece it's important you take the time to think about what role it's going to play in your sales process.

Always remember every marketing piece, from your business card to a simple flyer you hand out at events, should move a prospect forward in your sales cycle.

Let's look at a few ways you may be "moving a prospect forward" and some marketing tools that may help you do that...

Introducing yourself - Business cards, advertisements, yellow page ads, post cards

Understanding what you do and how you help people - Brochure, Web site

Getting permission to market to them - any of these

Buying something - Web site, sales letter

Earning their trust - Web site, brochure

Creating/strengthening a relationship - Ezine, post card

Getting their attention - Flyer, advertisement, classified ad

Provide information - Brochure, ezine, free report, post card

Your sales cycle may be long or short depending on what you do. You may also use the same medium, like your web site, to move people forward in different places of the sales cycle. The bottom line is you have to move people closer to buying from you.

Understand that eliminating them as prospects is moving them forward too. You may get a no for an answer and that is ok. The point is you know where you stand and can move on to another prospect.

Let's look at an example.

Let's say your boss decides you need a new brochure. The one you have is old and she knows you are running low on supplies so now is a good time to redo them.

Before you jump in and decide to simply redecorate the piece, look at what you've been using these brochures for. Have you been handing then out at speaking events or dropping them in the mail when leads come in?

If you ask the question "what action do I want the prospect to take" and "are my current methods working?" you will end up with a more productive piece. Also ask yourself "Is this the best way to get the prospect to take that action?" Are people doing what you want them to do?

Maybe redoing your brochure is a fine idea, but you find that placing them in like minded businesses in a plastic box and asking for a business card to get a free report is a better way to accomplish that goal.

Smart marketers don't just make a brochure to have one. It has a purpose. If you find you are having a hard time knowing what to put in your brochure you may not be totally clear on its purpose. Ask yourself these smart questions...

When will (or do I) use this?

What information do people need to know to move forward? In other words, what do people need to take away from this piece to come closer to working with me? It could be a sense of security. A feeling of trust. Information about how they can learn more about you.

Who will benefit from this piece? (the sales force, marketing, etc)

What do I want people to do next? (don't forget to ask them to do it)

Once you are clear about what you are trying to do, you can make an informed decision about if this is the right piece for that purpose.

Four Surefire Ways To Get Your New Business Start Up Into Profit

Congratulations! You've just started a new business, you've signed on the dotted line, purchased your inventory or set up your website, opened your doors and now .... Yikes!! Depending on your new business start up costs, it could be quite a while before you see a profit. How do you get 'into the black' without burning yourself out?

The key is to work smarter, not harder. Here are four key business strategies to help you maximize your profits during this critical phase, to help you bring income in quicker from your new business.

!. Simplicity and Focus First. Do NOT over-diversify or overcomplicate your new business. This is a common mistake that business beginners make. By getting involved with too many products, services, ideas or opportunities at once, which dilute your efforts and create overwhelm. Take the time to learn the basics. Once you've focused on your key business product or service, and on a viable marketing and business plan, stick to it! Put all of your energy, attention and intention into marketing your new business and getting it profitable.

2. Niche. At the beginning, keep your business tightly focused in once area of your market. Keep the business simple and yet expandable, centered around one theme, and with room for synergistic multiple income streams. Focusing and developing a unique niche will be more profitable than trying to be everything to everyone. Once you get your first project profitable, then add another product, service, or branch to your business.

3. Focus on Income Producing Activities. Starting a business takes a lot of work and one of the common mistakes that many business beginners make is focusing too much time and attention on the wrong activities. For example they drown in administrative details and forget about marketing, or spend too much time with customers but without a comprehensive business plan. You need to prioritize and spend 80% of your time on income producing activities.

As part of your new business start up plan, take some time to figure out ONE single daily action that you can do EACH day that will bring income into your business. For example, if you are building a website, set yourself the goal of creating three new pages per day, or adding ten new newspaper subscribers to your list. If you're a network marketer, talk to ten new people each day about your business. If you sell a service, gather five new leads each day. If you own a store, find one new way to increase the traffic and visitors into your store each day.

4. Little Known Tip to Get Profitable Fast. Did you know that as soon as you sign on the dotted line and start your business, if you work at home you are eligible for hundreds of legal home business tax deductions? This can end up saving you thousands of dollars this year on your taxes! For many new business owners, keeping track of your expenses and deductions is overwhelming, but if you can remember that this will put money into your pocket, you will find the recordkeeping to be less drudgery and more fun!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Starting A Wholesale Games Business Facts

Are you addicted to video games? Are you a huge fan of XBOX 360 games, especially the ones you get to play on the Internet? If so, you need to know that there are profitable wholesale businesses that can be started from home in virtually 24 hours without having to leave your chair. Many people do it all the time, working from home is great for many and not having to work for someone else is for sure priceless for stay at home dad or a stay at home mom that wants to enjoy more free time with their kids or their daily routines.

I never really though and believed how many people were really doing good as far income goes when it comes to big time numbers. I understand that you might have a different situation working for someone else now, but I as well the many that have and are making incredibly well selling either wholesale or at retail, can be easily identified and confirmed by just looking on eBay right now. Power sellers all over with great high ticket items are all over eBay.

Wholesale business opportunities can also be found in the video games industry selling wholesale items both on the Internet and locally. On the Internet you can start selling wholesale video games on one of the most visited sites in the world, eBay. Such niche is definitely one to be considered if you are a video games addict for sure.

Thanks to eBay you can instantly know if your potential wholesale business would be successful by simply posting an auction and waiting for the bids that should come on, as long as your item is in-demand. If you get plenty of bids, you know there is a market for it, if you do not get bids- you move on to the next venture. It is that simple. Experienced sellers know that you can list a sealed video game on eBay, price it 60-85% off, and get numerous bids for such item. It is exciting to watch what happens, and gets even better when you get to see your profits from selling both in singles and in bulk.

You just post an auction and sit back to watch how those bids go up and up and then watch all those profits show up in your credit card merchant processor 24/7. Yes. It is a magnificent experience, but one that not many online eBay business owners get to experience according to many authority sites. Why? Wholesale veterans know it is because not many eBay business owners know where to locate the most profitable game distributors. Truth is, not many successful eBay sellers will let you in on their mysterious wholesale contacts. This is sad because experience has shown that most people who obtain in-demand contacts never do business with such sources the right prolific way, so why worry about too much competition?

There will not be many competitors with very low prices because of two factors- lack of taking action and mistake on not building a healthy relationship with the source. Many online rising entrepreneurs do not take action because they are too busy playing games themselves and not just video games, but the game of wishful thinking. Instead of taking action to make their wholesale business a reality on eBay or with their own Mini-Mall online, they just dream about having such thing sometime at a later date. With this kind of situation, building a correct and positive relationship with such distributor or wholesaler is like a pipe dream- most likely it will never happen. Talking about dreams, right? Many take only the easy steps. Selling wholesale online and locally at your local rental shop is both challenging and fun, the same things you enjoy in playing the games gets even more exciting when you get to sell them anywhere online in many people opinion.

Plus you get to be your own boss. You get to choose your work schedule and make yourself rich most of the time, instead of the other way around. One final tip- make sure you learn which online distributors to trust when it comes to giving you the best prices and the best advice when starting or growing your own wholesale business opportunity.

New York Lawyer can Turn Judge’s Decision in Your Favor

Climbing every stair of legal problems requires the support of lawyer. In fact, a lawyer is meant to guide you through a clean and clear way of achieving a win over your legal problems. Their main task is to represent the client in the court of law and present his side in front of judge. People residing in New York can take the help of New York lawyer in their legal matters. Generally, legal problems crop up when you fall as a prey of fraud or need any medical compensation or want to have divorce from your partner or you have stuck in some immigration issue.

Every other day we get to hear about cases being fought, pertaining to recovery of compensation from your husband or wife. In this matter, lawyer helps you in recovering the compensation without any delay. Generally, there are two parties in a court case. One is the claimant, while the other is the opponent. The job of lawyer is to fight the case with absolute privacy and do suitable justice to your problem. Your lawyer in New York has to be highly skilled and well-experienced for managing your case. It is because more experienced lawyer will be able to judge the situation from many angles, as compared to new one.

Your lawyer should be clever enough to turn the decision in your favor. He should know the tactics and plans, with which he can argue his point and convince the judge that his client in on the right side of scales. Their errands involve collection of relative proves and other things that can turn the result in your favor. To win the case, it is necessary that you and your lawyer should sit together, and discuss the matter with every detail. This will not only help your lawyer in understanding the matter completely, but you will be able to figure out some points that can help you in winning that case.

Now if you have landed in any immigration related problem, then lawyer in New York can help you properly. Such lawyers are specialized in handling immigration cases. The job of immigration attorney involves the handling of documentation, legal consultation and representing the client in the court of law. The immigration attorney has to check that all the paper work of his client is updated, so that no question can be raised on his immigration to that particular place. Immigration is a very complex task and it takes time to get a particular type of immigration visa.

There are various lawyers that offer their services at reasonable rates. While looking out for a lawyer to fight your case, you should take care that he or she is genuine and keeps a complete confidentiality of your details. Another thing to be noticed is that your lawyer should have a good track record. Don’t just hop on a lawyer just like that. It is always better to check out everything related to his performance, so that you don’t land up in problem after handing him your case.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

4 Effective Communication Tips Of A Successful Coaching/Consulting Business

Have you ever felt frustrated that the person you are speaking to did the complete opposite of what you told them to do? But it's neither your fault or the other person's fault because they probably heard your instructions incorrectly, causing him/her to do something completely different from what you intended.

That's why one of the most important factors in the success of your coaching/ consulting business is the way that you communicate with people, particularly your proteges. For example, they may be working for your company or for another company, or they may even be working remotely or from home.

Not only do you need to find a convenient way to communicate with your protege, but your success will also hinge on how often you communicate. I'm going to go over the four most basic things about accessibility that you must take into consideration when communicating with your protege.

You may find that due to factors such as the location of your protege, both yours and his or her work schedules and family situations, your communication accessibility may require flexibility on both your part and your protege's. Below we will address each of these situations.

Effective Tip #1 - How to solve the Location problem. If your protege is situated in a remote location like in the mountains of the Himalayas or if you and your protege are separated by thousands of miles, it is very likely that you may not be able to meet regularly. And if it is required that you meet, then it's much more realistic to meeting occasionally.

If this is the case, you will need to set up a system of communication that's most convenient for both of you. This can be achieved by communicating through email or setting up an online private forum or bulletin board so that you can both post ideas regularly. And obviously, you and your protege may also want to communicate by telephone and fax.

If you are both working in the same company, the best place to meet will be in your office, a conference room or even meet over lunch. If your protege works nearby, but is not a part of your company, you may be able to invite him or her to your office or a public place, such as the local library, or meet for lunch or dinner at a favorite restaurant.

Effective Tip #2 - How to solve the Job Schedules And Duties problem. You may encounter times when you and your protege must work around job schedules and duties relating to work. This happens a lot when hiring college interns with mid-terms and final examinations coming up.

To solve this issue you will both have to work out a solution to, especially if either of you are working in jobs that require on-call duties, overtime work or unusual start or finishing times at work. If you or your protege are in this situation, you will both need to discuss how you will handle a situation like being called out for work duties and how the missed time can be made up.

Effective Tip #3 – How to solve the Family Situations problem. In a family setting, it is easily understandable that a mentor or protege may not have as much time to spare as a single person may. Especially during certain religious or traditional holidays that you may not be aware of.

If this is a situation that applies to you or your protege, careful balancing needs to be organized in order not to put strain on other areas of your or your protege's life. Finding time with work, and family obligations will be tricky at times, although it is possible if you do some careful planning and communication ahead of time.

Effective Tip # - How to solve the External Obligations problem. Some people, such as executives, have duties or responsibilities that take up their work hours. These types of things often include seminars, company events and meetings. It is important to discuss these obligations and consider them when working out meeting times.

With careful communication and organization, it is possible to arrange times that will be both suitable and convenient for you and your protege. But, to do this, you will need to communicate effectively with each other and find a solution that will work for both of you. If you think your coaching/consulting business may suffer from any accessibility problems, solve it by using some of the tips you have just read.

Selling Is All About "Lowering Risk"...

Selling is all about getting people to change and change always involves risk. Generally, when given a choice, most people will always choose to not change. People are creatures of habit and change requires them to break old habits and create new ones. What makes selling difficult is the fact that it requires you to work against human nature by getting people to change (and you thought this was going to be easy!).

If you think about it, much of the resistance (objections, stalls) you will encounter in sales is a function of risk. Most people will resist change if they believe that the risk they take to change is greater than the risk they will experience by deciding to not change. The old belief "better to live with the devil you know, than the devil you don't know" is what makes it difficult to create the inertia you need to get people to change. It is a powerful force that we will all have to deal with.

So, how do we lower risk, or at least lower the perception of risk, to get more people to take the risks they need in order for us to sell. Two critical strategies come to mind for us to consider:

1. Identifying and clearly understanding your prospects problems will lead them to believe that through your understanding, it is less likely that you will sell them a solution that will not work. Asking questions that give you a full understanding of their situation will help to alleviate their fear of risk.
2. Helping them to understand that the "discomfort" that exists now (consequences, circumstances of staying the same) will be diminished by their willingness to go through the "discomfort" of change. Again helping them to overcome the perceived risk.

The first strategy requires us to be good at "information gathering" questions. Questions like:

* Tell me more about the problems that you are experiencing?
* How long have you had this these problems?
* What have you done to try to solve them?
* How did that work?
* Specifically, what impact or consequences do they have on you and your company?
* Do the problems cost you/your company any money?
* What happens if you don't fix them?

As you gain information you create the belief that through the information you have gained it is more likely that you will deliver a recommendation that will work...hence, lowering risk (you may also find this is a good strategy that helps to differentiate you from your competition).

The second strategy requires us to ask "consequence" questions. Questions like:

* What happens if this doesn't get fixed?
* Is this something you can live with?
* How would not being able to solve the problems affect you personally?
* Who else is affected by these problems?
* Maybe it's something you really don't need to worry about?

These questions help the prospect understand that not solving the problem may actually be a bigger risk then the risk they will need to take to change. They are often exactly the questions that you need to create the inertia for change.

Your ability to ask both of these types of questions will help you and your prospect understand and limit the risks involved in changing. Lowering risk is one of the keys to being successful in sales!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tips To Boost Your Insurance Business Online

Insurance online is one of the most searched keywords online. This just means that the insurance itself has many sub categories and divisions. For obvious reasons, insurance is one of the most sought after keywords online since most people nowadays care more about their safety and security with anything that they purchase and do.

Travel insurance, car insurance, accident insurance, medical insurance, and life insurance are all under the word insurance. The mentioned type of insurance has also many branches that are still related to the sub categories. Clearly, the breakdown for the word insurance alone can take a while to be tracked down. But of course, where there are more people interested in a product or service, more competitors flock to it and create their own version or line of business.

So, the bottom line here is that, you won’t be the only entrepreneur online who will be dealing with insurance, insurance policies and quotes, but there are more out there – more than you can imagine. What you need to do, is to identify which insurance market you want to focus on. Creating your website alone isn’t going to do everything you want to happen, you have to start from scratch and learn what you can as well.

Once you’ve realized what niche of insurance you want to work on, you need to move on to the next which is the part where you advertise your site. You won’t be getting all the help you need by just telling your friends about the website. But you will get a fairly steady recognition in a timely manner when you do both offline and online promotion.

Distributing flyers is a good example on how to circulate your website around town. Online, weekly announcement about something regarding your website should also help. It’ll take time to at least see an improvement with your site’s traffic but there will definitely be a lot of work to do when that time comes so be prepared.

Consistency Leads To Success

Internet marketing is a unforgiving business and getting side tracked is almost inevitable. I have often found myself searching and wondering around the internet when I should be concentrating on my business' everyday operation. Everyone who runs their own business on the internet should always make a list of day to day things they need to accomplish. Here's a few things I do on a daily basis to make sure that my business grows.

Getting in the right frame of mind

Starting off my day on the right foot is imparitive to my success. Like the title suggests "consistency leads to success". If I get off track then minutes and hours are lost and everyone knows time is money. Everyday is a challenge, some days are better than others in that you have more sales. Its the days that you don't see a single sale that is the real kicker and these are the days you have to tell yourself that you will never give up. The reason 95% of internet marketers fail is because of this reason. They think they can instantly make riches on the internet and when they don't make money right away they quit and move on to something else. I can honestly tell you that it takes hard work and consistency on a daily basis to make money online. So everyday I get it into my head that failure is not an option and that I won't become part of the ever growing statistic.

Blogging and Pinging

Everyone knows that having a blog to help promote your business is a must. Even better is to self host your blog on your own server as a subdomain of your main website. Keeping traffic on your site is a crucial point in making sales online. Once you have a blog set up you should make posts to it everyday for the first while to build up the content. Search engines love fresh new content and in order to get the search engines crawling on your site you should have alot of content for them to devour. Once you have done this then post every other day or at least 2 to 3 times per week. Remember to ping the posts you make each and everytime you post something new. For pinging services I use, and

Article Submission

Article Marketing is nothing new to the internet but most people will tell you that its a great way to get traffic and one way back links. Once you learn how to write informative and good content its a good idea to get your thoughts out to the world and this is what article marketing is. Article directories ar a dime a dozen on the internet and from just one submission to a directory could potentially get you thousands of vistors and one way back links. What are one way back links you might ask? Well basically its an incoming link to your website. Most article directories allow you have an author box, resource box or bio box and this is where you tell the reader about you or where they can get more info about what you have wrote. When putting a link to your website in the "author box" you should always try to anchor it in keywords that relate to your site.

Generally I write 1 or 2 articles per week and submit them to about 450 article directories. I do use article submission software which makes the task much easier. To use the same submitter software I use visit my site and get it for free. The submitter comes with 450+ article directories you can program onto the submitter.

Participating in Forums

I have to admit that since joining a few forums my business and knowledge of internet marketing has growen immensely. At first I just read everything I could and learned from all the people on the forum. When I had something to say that was informative and helpful I made a post. When you make a post to a topic it should help the person who made the original post and unless you have something to contribute you should not post at all. If you have a question or something you wish to discuss then make a post and someone will most likely help you out. Basically I use forums to learn about internet marketing and get answers to questions I have. Remember the saying "you learn something new everyday", well this is why I go and participate in forums. To find some well known forums to join enter "Forums" into your favorite search engine.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Microfiber The most Advantageous Fiber Of The Age

Invention of Microfiber

After years of trialing, Dr. Miyoshi Okamoto scientist of Japan at Toray Industries, invented the world's first microfiber in 1970 and later his coworker Dr. Toyohiko Hikota improve a new practice and modify Dr. Okamoto's invention into an remarkable new fabric - Ultrasuede - a non-woven material and the first commercial production of microfiber commenced in 1989, in U.S by E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Company, Inc.

Microfibers: Very fine fibers

Microfiber is a variety of polyester that has exclusive and advantageous properties compared to other traditional fibers.Microfibers are heavily formed, polyester and polyamide fibers and are one hundred times finer than human hair. The diameter of microfibers is one-quarter of fine wool, one-third of the cotton, half of a fine silk fiber and the density of the material consent it to grip six to eight times of its weight in water.

"Denier" is the word used to describe the diameter or fineness of fiber. One denier measurement means a 9000-meter length of fiber or yarn in the weight of grams. Falling in the category of microfiber the size must be less than one denier i.e. minimum 0.9 denier requirements. Though, many microfibers are available in the size of 0.5 - 0.6 denier or even in less diameter.

Microfibers - User-friendly fiber

Generally, microfiber is a mixture of polyester and polyamide (a nylon by-product) available in a mixture of 80/20, 75/25, or 70/30 etc polyester and polyamide ratios. Microfibers can be available alone or mixed with usual denier man-made fibers as well as with natural fibers such as cotton, wool, silk even rayon too. Micro-fibers are made from polyester, nylon, rayon and most recently acrylic. They also can be blended with other fibers including Lycra spandex. These mixtures improve the look; adorn and the performance of the fabric. Micro-fibers can be woven or knitted into a wide range of fabrics such as satin, faille, crepe, twill, taffeta and broadcloth. A variety of microfibers and its finishes improves the appearance and experience like silks, sand washed, or a leather and feather look.

Properties & characteristics of Microfibers

. Lightweight and flexible
. Good stability and shape retention
. Anti-wrinkle property
. Have a wicking ability that permits perspiration
. Comfortable to wear as they are more spongy
. Doesn't water stain - superior water repellency is available
. Woven or knitted into a very high quality fabric construction
. Formerly commenced as a polyester microfiber, today you can find nylon, rayon and acrylic microfibers too.
. Strong and durable, water repellent and wind resistant -so tightly woven, that the fabric can't be penetrated by wind, rain or cold
. Lightweight, resilient or resist wrinkling, have a comfortable array, preserve shape and resist pilling
. The positively charged microfibers draw dust; the tiny fibers are capable to enter the microscopic surface voids most materials
. Washable, dries quickly and also washable in at the water temperatures up to 200 degrees and their characteristics will remain intact.
. Electrostatic effect - Hair, lint and other dust particles are attracted and grabbed by the microfibers without lifting dust
. The density of the material allowable it to grip six to eight times its weight in water hence high absorbing power capacity
. The attraction capability of the microfibers is so sound, even absorbs bacteria and germs - hence can be use as germ or bacteria free purpose
. The fabric consists of millions of small tiny conduits that carry oil and grease too.

Benefits of microfibers

Comfortable - very soft, texture like silk, lightweight
. Due to its fineness and superior fiber surface area making deep, rich and bright colors achievable
. Less "sweaty" in warm weather than usual synthetics
. Quickly cleanable - clean just with water
. Highly intense and shrink-resistant
. Presents insulation and breathability
. Change without help - to establish lovely drape
. Very fine - finer than the most precise silk
. More reusable for cleaning alternative - compared to other mops more efficient and long life

The use of microfibers: Endless The straight and strong fibers of polyester and nylon - microfibers provide flexible and silky performance because of its extensive fiber surface area. Microfibers are used in diverse fabrics ratios to make different textile garments, apparels and used most regularly in dress making. Today it is used at the optimum level by sportsmen, popular for outerwear and body wear and became a very popular alternative tool of cotton apparel, because due to their properties of air intervenes effortlessly through the fabric, body's humidity is wicked away immediately from the skin's surface to the outer face of the fabric and it keeps the athletes cool and dry. It is also used for making suit jackets, rainwear, outdoor fleece and wind-resistant sportswear, as well as tents, sleeping bags, track and jogging suits and many more uses like automotive, household and health & beauty etc. Endless uses for micro-fiber fabrics covers men's slacks and ties, women's silk-like blouses and dresses, hosiery and lingerie, evening wear, children's wear, intimate apparel, luxurious upholstery fabrics, sheets and pillow cases, high performance filters, artificial blood vessels, sanitary and towel products etc. Even microfibers use to make stockings for men, women and special high length anti-embolism stockings too.

Products such as microfiber towel or napkin are available in the blend of 80% polyester (the scrubbing and cleaning fiber), and 20% polyamide (the absorbing and quick drying fiber, this blend is expressed as "80/20") or 70/30 or in various blends. Several credible reasons to use microfibers towel are:

. Not generating any problems with those suffering from allergies due to its hypoallergenic properties
. Microfiber absorbing over six to seven times its weight in water - super absorbent
. Microfiber dries in 1/3 the time of regular cleaning towels.
. Microfiber is environmentally friendly washable with just water, have no need of soap or any kind of chemicals.
. Microfiber is over four to five times more effective than ordinary cleaning towels
. Microfiber is totally lint free and non-abrasive compared to other cotton towels

Microfiber became a tremendously efficient cleaning material because of their characteristics of dust appealing and the capacity of entering the microscopic surface which pores of most materials due to their positively charged microfibers. It uses as janitorial and all purpose cleaning and wiping tools or cloths. Even it develops very small cutting boundaries that smash ups and easily sucks up dirt of particular surface, also eliminate oils and other grimy substances immediately. Due to its tremendous washable properties it is also used to clean equipment such as monitors, printers, plastic sheeting, metal surfaces, office & lab equipment and many more.

Today it is considered as a good alternative of cotton mop because it is reusable many times compared to other mopping device or clothes. In hospitals microfibered mopping are widely used due to its electrostatic effect - Hair, lint and other dust particles even bacteria and germs are attracted and grabbed by the microfibers without lifting dust and acts as effective pollution, dust bacteria control device. Without the application of any chemical or a cleaning agent microfiber wipes any surface and can disinfect bacteria/germs up to 99.95%. The result shows that its reduces 95 % chemical cost related to mopping tasks , saves 60% lifetime cost for mopping and saves labor cost about 20% per day.

Taking care of microfibers

Microfibers can usually be treated similar to that of the usual fibers manufactured from the same fiber group or type. For example, fabrics prepared from polyester and nylon microfibers can most likely be cleaned and dried out comparable to fabrics produced from usual polyester and nylon fibers. Viscose rayon functions well when dry-cleaned. Polynosic or high wet modulus rayons are washable in machines.

According to the fiber, whether it is polynosic or viscose-type rayon, rayon microfiber the right treatment of washing the fiber is needed. During dry winter, when heating systems are turned on and the humidity is low static charges may built up in fabrics from synthetic microfibers and temporary spots from unnecessary heat in the dryer may generate on the microfiber, take care during this instance.

. Because fibers such as polyester or nylon are very fine or small in diameter, heat enters the fibers faster than other fibers and due to heat sensitive properties, hence glazing, melting or scorching can arise quickly; a few cares should be required for microfibers.
- Work with a cool iron, do not put down the iron on the fabric too long, don't pressure too much.
. Bleach smash down the polyester and polyamide microfilaments, representing them not as much of useful hence microfiber products do not required bleach.
- Avoid the use of bleach.
. Coating of "softener" clogs the microfibers.
- Avoid the use fabric softener
. Washing microfiber with other cotton products grab and hold other cotton fibers.
- Avoid washing with other cotton products.
. Microfibers are tremendously fine, putting the garments with jewelry could scrape garment easily and widespread abrasion.
- Avoid making garments with jewelry that is violent or sharp

It is the comfortable experience and appearance of the fabrics which makes microfibers so special for many product lines they can carry their marvelous performance to an extensive and countless uses and today it is considered as the most advantageous fiber of the age.

Overview of Bangladesh Garment Industry

Agriculture, as the case in India, has been the backbone of economy and chief source of income for the people of Bangladesh, the country made of villages. Government wants to decrease poverty by getting highest productivity from agriculture and achieve self-reliance in food production. Apart from agriculture, the country is much concerned about the growth of export division. Bangladesh have accelerated and changed her exports substantially from time to time. After Bangladesh came into being, jute and tea were the most export-oriented industries. But with the continual perils of flood, failing jute fibre prices and a considerable decline in world demand, the role of the jute sector to the country's economy has deteriorated (Spinanger, 1986). After that, focus has been shifted to the function of production sector, especially in garment industry.

The garment industry of Bangladesh has been the key export division and a main source of foreign exchange for the last 25 years. At present, the country generates about $5 billion worth of products each year by exporting garment. The industry provides employment to about 3 million workers of whom 90% are women. Two non-market elements have performed a vital function in confirming the garment industry's continual success; these elements are (a) quotas under Multi- Fibre Arrangement1 (MFA) in the North American market and (b) special market entry to European markets. The whole procedure is strongly related with the trend of relocation of production.

Displacement of Production in the Garment Industry

The global economy is now controlled by the transfer of production where firms of developed countries swing their attention to developing countries. The new representation is centred on a core-periphery system of production, with a comparatively small centre of permanent employees dealing with finance, research and development, technological institution and modernisation and a periphery containing dependent elements of production procedure. Reducing costs and increasing output are the main causes for this disposition. They have discovered that the simplest way to undercharge is to move production to a country where labour charge and production costs are lower. Since developing nations provide areas that do not impose costs like environmental degeneration, this practice protects the developed countries against the issues of environment and law. The transfer of production to Third World has helped the expansion of economy of these nations and also speed up the economy of the developed nations.

Garment industry is controlled by the transfer of production. The globalisation of garment production started earlier and has expanded more than that of any other factory. The companies have transferred their blue-collar production activities from high-wage areas to low-cost manufacturing regions in industrialising countries. The enhancement of communication system and networking has played a key role in this development. Export-oriented manufacturing has brought some good returns to the industrialising nations of Asia and Latin America since the 1960s. The first relocation of garment manufacturing took place from North America and Western Europe to Japan in the 1950s and the early 1960s. But during 1965 and 1983, Japan changed its attention to more lucrative products like cars, stereos and computers and therefore, 400,000 workers were dismissed by Japanese textile and clothing industry. In impact, the second stock transfer of garment manufacturing was from Japan to the Asian Tigers - South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore in 1970s. But the tendency of transfer of manufacturing did not remain there. The rise in labour charge and activeness of trade unions were in proportion to the enhancement in economies of the Asian Tigers. The industry witnessed a third transfer of manufacturing from 1980s to 1990s; from the Asian Tigers to other developing countries - Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and China in particular. The 1990s have been led by the final group of exporters including Bangladesh, Srilanka, Pakistan and Vietnam. But China was leader in the current of the relocation as in less than ten years (after 1980s) China emerged from nowhere to become the world's major manufacturer and exporter of clothing.

Bangladesh Garment Sector and Global Chain The cause of this transfer can be clarified by the salary structure in the garment industry, all over the world. Apparel labour charge per hour (wages and fringe benefits, US$) in USA is 10.12 but it is only 0.30 in Bangladesh. This difference accelerated the world apparel exports from $3 billion in 1965, with developing nations making up just 14 percent of the total, to $119 billion in 1991, with developing nations contributing 59 percent. In 1991 the number of workers in the ready-made garment industry of Bangladesh was 582,000 and it grew up to 1,404,000 in 1998. In USA, however, 1991-figure showed 1,106.0 thousand workers in the apparel sector and in 1998 it turned down to 765. 8 thousand.

The presented information reveals that the tendency of low labour charges is the key reason for the transfer of garment manufacturing in Bangladesh. The practice initiated in late 1970s when the Asian Tiger nations were in quest of tactics to avoid the export quotas of Western countries. The garment units of Bangladesh are mainly relying on the 'tiger' nations for raw materials. Mediators in Asian Tiger nations build an intermediary between the textile units in their home countries, where the spinning and weaving go on, and the Bangladeshi units where the cloth is cut, sewn, ironed and packed into cartons for export. The same representatives of tiger nations discover the market for Bangladesh in several nations of the North. Large retail trading companies placed in the United States and Western Europe give most orders for Bangladeshi garment products. Companies like Marks and Spencers (UK) and C&A (the Netherlands) control capital funds, in proportion to which the capital of Bangladeshi owners is patience. Shirts manufactured in Bangladesh are sold in developed nations for five to ten times their imported price.

Collaboration of a native private garment industry, Desh Company, with a Korean company, Daewoo is an important instance of international garment chain that works as one of the grounds of the expansion of garment industry in Bangladesh. Daewoo Corporation of South Korea, as part of its global policies, took interest in Bangladesh when the Chairman, Kim Woo-Choong, offered an aspiring joint venture to the Government of Bangladesh, which included the growth and process of tyre, leather goods, and cement and garment factories. The Desh-Daewoo alliance was decisive in terms of getting into the global apparel markets at significant juncture, when import reforming was going on in this market following the signing of MFA in 1974. Daewoo, a South Korean leading exporter of garments, was in search of opportunities in nations, which had hardly used their quotas. Due to the quota restriction for Korea after MFA, the export of Daewoo became limited. Bangladesh as an LDC got the chance to export without any constraint and for this cause Daewoo was concerned with the use of Bangladesh for their market. The purpose behind this need was that Bangladesh would rely on Daewoo for importing raw materials and at the same time Daewoo would get the market in Bangladesh. When the Chairman of Daewoo displayed interest in Bangladesh, the country's President put him in touch with chairman of Desh Company, an ex-civil servant who was seeking more entrepreneurial pursuits.

To fulfil this wish, Daewoo signed a collaboration contract with Desh Garment for five years. The contract also incorporated the fields of technical training, purchase of machinery and fabric, plant establishment and marketing in return for a specific marketing commission on all exports by Desh during the contract phase. Daewoo also imparted an exhaustive practical training of Desh employees in the working atmosphere of a multinational company. Daewoo keenly helped Desh in buying machinery and fabrics. Some technicians of Daewoo arrived Bangladesh to establish the plant for Desh. The end result of the association of Desh-Daewoo was important. In the first six years of its business, i.e. 1980/81-86/87, Desh export value increased at an annual average rate of 90%, reaching more than $5 million in 1986/87.

It is claimed that the Desh-Daewoo alliance is a significant element for the growth and achievement of Bangladesh's entire garment export industry. After getting linked with Daewoo's brand names and marketing network, overseas buyers went on with buying garments from the corporation heedless of their origin. Out of the opening trainees most left Desh Company at several times to erect their own competing garment companies, worked as a way of moving knowledge all through the whole garment sector.

It is essential to identify the outcomes of the process of moving production from high pay to low pay nations for both developing and developed nations. It is a bare fact that most of the Third World nations are now on the way to industrialisation. In this procedure, workers are working under unfavourable working environment - minimal wages, unhealthy place of work, lack of security, no job guarantee, forced labour etc.

The route of globalisation is full of ups and downs for the developing nations. Relocations of comparatively mobile, blue-collar production from industrialized to developing nations, in some circumstances, can have troublesome effects on social life if - in the absence of efficient planning and talks between international organisations and the government and/or organisations of the host nation - the transferred action encourages urban-bound relocation and its span of stay is short. Another negative result is that the rise in employment and/or income is not expected to be satisfactorily large and extensive to lessen inequality. In connection with the negative results of relocation of manufacturing on employment in developed countries, we realize that in comparatively blue-collar industries, the growing imports from developing nations lead to unavoidable losses in employment. It is held that development of trade with the South was a significant reason of the disindustrialisation of employment in the North over past few decades.

After all employees who are constantly working under unfavourable circumstances have to bear the brunt. Work is under-control across the Bangladesh garment sector. Appalling working atmosphere has been brought to light in the Bangladesh garment industry.

A research reveals that 90 percent of the garment employees went through illness or disease during the month before the interviews. Headache, anaemia, fever, chest, stomach, eye and ear pain, cough and cold, diarrhoea, dysentery, urinary tract infection and reproductive health problems were more common diseases. The garment factories gave bonus of different diseases to the employees for working. With a view to finding out a link between these diseases and industrial threats, health status of employees has been examined before and after coming in the garment work. At the end of examination, it was come out that about 75 percent of the garment workforce had sound health before they entered the garment factory. The reasons of health declines were industrial threats, unfavourable working environment, and want of staff facilities, inflexible terms and conditions of garment employment, workplace pressure, and low wages. Different work-related threats and their influence on health forced employees to leave the job after few months of joining the factory; the average length of service was only 4 years.

The garment sector is disreputable for fires, which are said to have claimed over 200 lives in the past two years, though exact figures are tough to find. A shocking instance of absence of workplace safety was the fire in November 2000, in which almost 50 workers lost their lives in Narsingdi as exist doors were closed.

From the above analysis of working atmosphere of garment sector, we can state that the working environment of most of the Third World nations, particularly Bangladesh remind us of earlier development of garment industries in the First World nations. The state of employment in many (not necessarily) textiles and clothing units in the developing nations take us back to those set up in the nineteenth century in Europe and North America. The mistreatment of garment employees in the birth period of the development of US garment factories reviewed above is more or less same as it seen now in the Bangladesh garment industry. Can we state that garment employees of the Third World nations living in the 21st century? Is it a return of the Sweatshop?

In a way, the Western companies are guilty of pitiable working atmosphere in the garment sector. The developed nations want to make more profit and therefore, force the developing nations to cut down the manufacturing cost. In order to survive in the competition, most of the developing nations select immoral practices. By introducing inflexible terms and conditions in the business, the global economy has left few alternatives for the developing nations.

Right Time to Make a Decision There are two alternatives to tackle the challenge of the competitive world initiated by the continuous pressure of global garment chain. One can continue to exist in the competition by adopting time-honoured work systems or immoral practices. But it is uncertain how long they can continue to exist. In connection with the garment industry of Bangladesh, we can say that this is the right time to follow a competitive policy, which improves quality. If the MFA opportunities are eliminated, will it be feasible to keep the competitiveness through low-wage-female labour or through further drop in female wages? Possibly not. Since the labour charges are so minimal that with such wage, a worker is not able to maintain even a family of two members. Enhancing the efficiency of female workers is the only solution to increased competition. Proper education and thorough training can help achieve these positive results. To rule the global market, Bangladesh has to come out of low wage and low output complex in the garment industry. Bangladesh can enhance labour output through constant training, use of upgraded technology and better working environment. Bangladesh should plan a strategy intended for promoting skill development, speeding up technology transfer and improving productivity height of the workers.

Another method is to adopt best system or ethical course. Those companies, which react to heightened competition by stressing quality, speedy answer of the customers, fair practices for labourers should have the most innovative practices. We think that we are now living in the age of competition in producing improved quality over cost-reduction policy. The objective of change efforts at the workplace has been modified over the time - from making the job humane in the 1960s, to job satisfaction and output in 1970s, to quality and competitiveness in the 1980s. It is necessary for a company to pursue a competitive policy that improves quality, flexibility, innovation and customer care. If they rely on low costs by dropping labourers' wages and other services, they will be bereaved of labourers' dedication to work.


. Considerable Qualified/keen to learn workforce available at low labour charges. The recommended minimum average wages (which include Travelling Allowance, House Rent, Medical Allowance, Maternity Benefit, Festival Bonus and Overtime Benefit) in the units within the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones (BEPZ) are given as below; on the other hand, outside the BEPZ the wages are about 40% lower:

. Energy at low price

. Easily accessible infrastructure like sea road, railroad, river and air communication

. Accessibility of fundamental infrastructure, which is about 3 decade old, mainly established by the Korean, Taiwanese and Hong Kong Chinese industrialists.

. FDI is legally permitted

. Moderately open Economy, particularly in the Export Promotion Zones

. GSP under EBA (Everything But Arms) for Least Developed Country applicable (Duty free to EU)

. Improved GSP advantages under Regional Cumulative

. Looking forward to Duty Free Excess to US, talks are on, and appear to be on hopeful track

. Investment assured under Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act, 1980 which secures all foreign investments in Bangladesh

. OPIC's (Overseas Private Investment Corporation, USA) insurance and finance agendas operable

. Bangladesh is a member of Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) under which protection and safety measures are available

. Adjudication service of the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Dispute (ICSID) offered

. Excellent Tele-communications network of E-mail, Internet, Fax, ISD, NWD & Cellular services

. Weakness of currency against dollar and the condition will persist to help exporters

. Bank interest@ 7% for financing exports

. Convenience of duty free custom bonded w/house

. Readiness of new units to enhance systems and create infrastructure accordant with product growth and fast reactions to circumstances

Weakness . Lack of marketing tactics

. The country is deficient in creativity

. Absence of easily on-hand middle management

. A small number of manufacturing methods

. Low acquiescence: there is an international pressure group to compel the local producers and the government to implement social acquiescence. The US GSP may be cancelled and purchasing from US & EU may decrease significantly

. M/c advancement is necessary. The machinery required to assess add on a garment or increase competence are missing in most industries.

. Lack of training organizations for industrial workers, supervisors and managers.

. Autocratic approach of nearly all the investors

. Fewer process units for textiles and garments

. Sluggish backward or forward blending procedure

. Incompetent ports, entry/exit complicated and loading/unloading takes much time

. Speed money culture

. Time-consuming custom clearance

. Unreliable dependability regarding Delivery/QA/Product knowledge

. Communication gap created by incomplete knowledge of English

. Subject to natural calamities


. EU is willing to establish industry in a big way as an option to china particularly for knits, including sweaters

. Bangladesh is included in the Least Developed Countries with which US is committed to enhance export trade

. Sweaters are very economical even with china and is the prospect for Bangladesh

. If skilled technicians are available to instruct, prearranged garment is an option because labour and energy cost are inexpensive.

. Foundation garments for Ladies for the FDI promise is significant because both, the technicians and highly developed machinery are essential for better competence and output

. Japan to be observed, as conventionally they purchase handloom textiles, home furniture and garments. This section can be encouraged and expanded with continued progress in quality


. The exporters have to prepare themselves to harvest the advantages offered by the opportunities.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Frozen Food Shipping

Have you ever wondered how Australian beef appears on your table during your dinner? Are you not even surprised how on earth a famous caviar from Russia reaches your entrée plate? You may begin to think that some kind of magic must have been done to make that food remain fresh when served on your table.

If you want real good ice cream from Switzerland, frozen food shipping can help you enjoy the heavenly taste of ice cream from the Alps region of the earth. How enticing it is to indulge in the sweet rich chocolates that are going to satisfy the sweet tooth in you. Thanks to frozen food shipping.

Imported meats, diary items like cheese, ice cream and even chocolates are transported through frozen food shipping. Perishable items such as these need specialized containers with built-in freezers in them. In frozen food shipping the freshness of the products is the foremost concern. Containers vans with big walk-in freezers are built that can accommodate palettes of frozen cargo items this is to ensure that food is still fresh and free from the harmful effects of microorganisms.

Dry-ice is was first used to keep the food frozen while in transit but dry-ice have a proven negative effects on the environment so it is not advisable to patronize its utility. Instead cryogenic technology was introduced as a better alternative to the former. Many containers truck vans have been equipped with cryogenic freezers. Even generators are added up each truck completing the whole package in ensuring that the foods are very fresh at all times at all costs.

Different carriers invested huge capital in putting up with the competition as many entities have joined the bandwagon of frozen food shipping. Companies like Glen Rose Transportation Management and Nebraska Cold Storage have set the trail blazing in delivering cutting-edge service to their clients when it comes to top performance in frozen food shipping. They provide services from storage up to the concerns in shipping your perishable food products. They also offer a hassle-free shipping service to almost any points of the U.S. Even if the shipment takes several days in transit on the roads or in warehouses these companies will make sure that the food products are still crisp and fresh.

Quick service or fast food restaurants all around the U.S. soil depend on the frozen food shipping. French fries, beef patties, marinated chicken are all perishable items. Restaurant owners need to retain the freshness of these foods from the commissary where they’re ordered right up to the respective restaurant kitchens spread all over the United States.

KFC, McDonald, Wendy’s, Kenny Roger’s and Burger King are all aware of the value of a truck with built-in freezers. They know that they make their famous food items fresh all the time when served. Now you need not wonder why. What a frozen delight.

FedEx Shipping

True to its motto, “we live to deliver” FedEx shipping makes a great deal of business in reaching even the most difficult and farthest destinations. FedEx shipping might as well use the song “Get Here” as its theme song.

No other company in the world finds all possible measures just to get that pouch, envelope or box to its destination on time all the time. No heavy downpour, typhoon, hurricane, and flood can stop FedEx shipping from doing the extra miles of delivering quality shipping service.

Be it on a railway or trailway

FedEx shipping has an extensive and widest reach. No matter how far the destination, it takes your cargo right at your doorstep on time. Even if the roads seemed endless and the ones that are less traveled by it painstakingly and tenaciously reaches to where you want it to be. No mountains and hills can stop FedEx from giving their clients the delight that they deserve. Their staff is trained to face even the most difficult situations and stand up to the challenge because that is what they are-- they live to deliver.

Be it on a sailboat

FedEx shipping crosses the deepest and the biggest oceans in the world just to get your birthday present delivered to the person you are dying to make happy. No matter how big or small the package you are sending and regardless of how small the island in the Caribbean or in the Pacific it gets there right on time. Because that what they are—they live to deliver.

Be it on an airplane

For FedEx, time is of the paramount importance. Their airplanes are flying to different routes and destinations making sure that the diamond ring reaches the finger of the one you love most. FedEx never falters because that is what they are—they live to deliver.

They live to deliver

They never take anything for granted and they never leave any stones unturned. With its dedication and determination to stay on top of the competition, they just can’t allow their clients to be dissatisfied with their service. So with its upgraded facility and communication system it can track your document so that it can reach on time to your business partners coming from the four corners of the world. You can never go wrong with FedEx that what they are—they live to deliver.