Friday, February 23, 2007

Your Work-From-Home Earn and Learn Online Home Business!

So, you’ve decided to quit the rat race and be your own boss, confident in the belief you can earn the big zylotis with your own home business working online. I mean lets be honest … we are in this for the money aren’t we and is the word ‘rich’ such a dirty word?

Well I guess ‘Yep’ if the way some of us think is anything to go by. How easy it is to label someone “lucky” just ‘cos they’ve made it.

When you learn the business you earn the bucks. It’s as simple as that. Learning in itself will not result in earning. Add action to the melting pot (read working harder/smarter) and the “luckier” you get. “Luck surely smiles on those who get out and make things happen”. Luck requires the all important ingredients … opportunity, sound planning and action. This holds true whether you are looking to earn online or offline.

Success means different things to different folk, but however we see it, it implies consistent action. A rare attribute in a nation where less than 10% of the folk who buy a book read past the first chapter and less than 10% have any written goals in place. Whether in business (either online or off-line), within the home, in your relationships with others or whatever, success requires effort … the right kind of effort …. consistent effort.

If you are to promote yourself and succeed in your newfound online business, then seek out a mentor and model yourself on them. Not someone who just happens to be handy … a major mistake, yet how often do we do it …but someone who truly knows success through consistent action that delivers results. I know of no surer way to attach that ‘dirty’ word to your own persona. Observe McDonalds - arguable as to whether they produce the world’s best burgers … but do they consistently deliver the same business model throughout their network? Do they ever!

In seeking your online business mentor look beyond the ‘hype’. Are the promises and projections backed up by tangible historical evidence of measured results and can you duplicate these systems within your own online home business venture? Have you found that special mentor yet who will assist you to develop and promote your business thus ensuring you maximize potential to earn online ‘bigtime’?

Online Catalogs – What Are They?

Online catalogs are often associated with library records and materials. But today catalogs are not only helpful inside the library. They are being used in the promotion of the company’s products and services. In fact as the technology continues to advance, more and more features are integrated in the catalog format.

Online catalogs are being used now to serve as a display of what you’re offering to customers. It’s like a store which sells your services online. Because it’s online, it’s fast and easy to access.

Essentially, an online catalog is an automated catalog wherein you can find all the information about the products of the company. However, people sometimes give no attention to how their catalogs look like. In this regard, planning for the online catalog is very important. Its success will result in a great boost to your sales.

You can improve your online catalog by following these basic tips.

First and foremost, analyze your sales. Check if how many customers shop at your store. If you’re not successful in securing the interest of customers at the point of purchase, then something is wrong. There are various causes of this dilemma. One reason is customers think that your products are not suited to their requirements. Another reason is that your catalog is not pleasing to the eye. These letdowns can be easily solved if you only take time to analyze what you are selling to the customers and what specific needs do they have.

Then, increase your sales. Improve your selling strategies. This can be done by making sure that the online catalog is presented with a very good logical organization. The products should be presented in a very clear, negotiable manner. You can add impact to your catalog by using well-made graphics or images next to the text. The description for each product should be easy to understand so that the potential customers would immediately know what you’re trying to tell them even at a glance.

In addition, if you’re looking for some catalog print solutions, the online catalog printing is the right service to go for. It’s a form of catalog printing service which makes it easier for you to produce catalogs, whether in offset or digital.

Catalogs are considered as a great marketing piece. They offer an efficient and creative way of introducing your offerings to your target market. No matter what kind of catalog you’re looking for, there are some online catalog printing services that are available. They can be used to meet your printing needs when it comes to catalog creation. But if you want a hassle-free way of highlighting your company products and services, online catalogs will really fit in the job.

7 Video Marketing Tricks and Tactics That I Borrowed from Kelvin Brown

Anyone in the Internet Marketing community who is familiar with Kelvin Brown probably also knows that he is a well respected mentor on the topic of video marketing.

In a recent interview, Kelvin shared some of the video marketing tricks and tactics that he has been using to get lots of traffic to his multiple websites for more than a year now. After talking to Kelvin for over one full hour, here are just seven of the proven video marketing techniques that I borrowed from him to attract more online traffic.

1. You can use an inexpensive video camera or webcam to create short instructional videos and uploading them to free video hosting sites like Google Video and You Tube and tap into millions of visitors to those sites each day.

2. Use a good description of your video that makes it easy for people to find your videos and easy for the search engines to index.

3. A great way to get the attention of a local audience is by creating videos of local events. Annual events are even better because people will find your site year after year using the same videos.

4. A good way to get more traffic from your best articles is to create video illustrating the main points in your article.

5. You can create videos without a web camera by using Windows XP Movie Maker. The program is very easy to use and includes step by step instructions. The software come preinstalled on Windows XP computers or can be loaded from the Windows website.

6. You can create a video using any audio file that you own the rights to or created yourself. Add moving or still pictures and add the audio to the background.

7. Rather than hosting your own videos on your website with a Google trademark attached you may want to consider using a service like Audio Acrobat. The reasoning is because when people see the Google tag on a video they naturally go to Google to watch more videos. If you use a service like Audio Acrobat you won t have to include a trademark tag to imbed the video on your website. Additionally, the video is being hosting on Audio Acrobat rather than your own site so you won't use your own bandwidth.

7 Simple Steps To Discipline For The Home-Based Business Owner

You need more than skill, knowledge and passion to build a profitable home-based business. You also need discipline to make every minute count.

In a job, you have supervisors and managers making sure quotas are met, tasks are completed and your time has been spent as efficiently and effectively as possible.

But, at home, you're the supervisor and your responsibility is to make sure every action you take has the best interests of your business at heart.

Here are seven simple steps to help you make the most of every day in your home-based business.

1. Have a clear vision. Sit down and write out your ideal vision for five to ten years from now so you have a target to aim for. Once you've determined your long-term vision, break it down into smaller chunks. For example, in order to be where you want to be in five years, where do you need to be in two years?

And in order to be where you need to be in two years, where do you need to be in one year?

Now, every time you're faced with a decision ask yourself, "Would this bring me closer to my vision for this year or take me further away from it?"

When you know where you need to be in order to realize your vision, it's easier for you to maintain discipline because you know what the right thing is to do. It gives you strength when you need to push through uncomfortable situations and to say no to something that might feel good in the moment but doesn't serve your end goal.

2. Create structure. Without it you are susceptible to every distraction that crosses your path.

In order to build discipline, set specific work hours and create routines. Your hours don't have to be as rigid as when you had a job, but they do need to exist. Once your hours are set, tell others that you are not to be disturbed during these times. You will not accept phone calls or drop-ins because you are working.

Creating routines allows you to gain control over how you spend your time. If you begin your day with no set goals or tasks, you lose a great deal of time wandering from activity to activity. Spend the last 15 minutes of each day mapping out your tasks for the next day and don't end your day until each task is complete.

3. Out of sight, out of mind. You've probably heard the saying, "Energy flows where attention goes", and when you're thinking about the laundry piled in the corner, the dishes in the sink and that chocolate mousse cake in the fridge, you're not focusing on your business.

This is one of the biggest challenges for home-based entrepreneurs because at your job you didn't have to worry about who's going to vacuum the floor or clean the lunchroom. You also didn't have a fridge chock full of food a few feet away.

Designate specific days and hours of the week for household chores and stick to them. You may need someone to help out instead of doing it all alone. You will never see the CEO of a company washing windows or emptying trashcans. It's not the best use of her time. She might do it at home, but not at the office and the same goes for you.

What Everybody Ought to Know About Administering a Special Needs Trust

Even if a special needs trust is properly prepared, the special needs trust can affect the child's ability to receive government benefits if the special needs trust is not properly administered.

For example, recipients of supplemental security income (SSI) are entitled to receive $20 of unearned income per month without reduction in SSI benefits. Receipt of unearned income in excess of $20 per month, however, results in a dollar-for-dollar reduction in benefits.

Because distributions from special needs trusts are considered unearned income, distributions in excess of $20 per month result in a benefit reduction. In addition, using trust property to provide food or shelter for the person with a disability results in unearned income as well.

How can this limitation on trust distributions be avoided?

Have the special needs trust purchase items for the person with a disability and retain ownership, permitting the person with a disability to use, but not own, the property, and do not use the special needs trust to provide food or shelter.

Under the SSI eligibility rules, special needs trust distributions that do not result in the person with a disability receiving food or shelter, or anything that can be used to obtain these items, do not count as unearned income.

Thus, the trustee can use the special needs trust assets to pay for items such as vacations, recreation and leisure activities, companion or housekeeping services, special job training, vocational or employment supports, lawn care, laundry services, CD players, television sets, VCRs, computers, medical insurance, improved medical or dental care, telephone bills, or furniture without any reduction in benefits.

If, instead, the trustee were to give the person with a disability the money to pay for these items, the distribution to the person with a disability would count as unearned income, resulting in a possible reduction in benefits.

Similarly, if the person with a disability were to actually own, rather than merely have the right to use, the item purchased, the receipt of the item would be considered unearned income because the item could be sold and converted to cash.

The trustee will also be required to perform various administrative functions related to the special needs trust. The trustee will need to obtain a taxpayer identification number and file annual tax returns.

Generally trust income that is used for the beneficiary will be taxed to the beneficiary, and the trustee may need to help the beneficiary with his or her taxes as well. Trust income that is not used for the beneficiary will be taxed directly to the special needs trust.

The trustee will generally have a fair amount of discretion in investing trust assets, but investments should generally be conservative in order to preserve the property in the special needs trust for the benefit of the person with a disability.

Investment in tax-exempt securities may be advisable both to protect the special needs trust property and due to the generally high rate of tax applicable to trust income.

The trustee will need to keep good records of trust income and expenditures both because the special needs trust document is likely to require that accountings be provided to a person specified in the document, and because trust activity may later be questioned by the government to make sure that the trust has not been administered in a way that affects the beneficiary's entitlement to government benefits.

The trustee will also need to be sure to avoid commingling property in the special needs trust with other property owned by the trustee or the beneficiary of the trust.