Automatic Tunnel Robotic Car Wash Systems And Pre-Prepping Prior To Automobile Washing
Every carwash owner is looking for a system that is fully automatic and robotic for their tunnel carwash so that they do not have to do any pre-prep washing. If you ever go to a fully robotic carwash you might notice before the car goes in there is someone there with a little pressure washer, a brush and a soap mitt getting the car ready to go through the tunnel.
The first time you see this you think yourself why is that person there? Shouldn’t the automatic carwash be good enough to clean the car without any human labor? Well that is the dig really; the truth is no, most of them can't. It is unfortunate that robotic carwash cleaning equipment costs so much and does not fully clean the car properly. If the carwash owners do not pre-prep the car then there will be customer complaints.
Of course if they do prep the car prior to wash it slows the speed, cuts down the volume of cars that can be washed in the day and changes the consistency of each car washed due to the human element. All this is true of course however, not all cars are created equally. Consider if you will that every car has different bodylines and the robotic carwash system may not be able to get to everything.
Those hard to get to spots can be cleaned in advance and pre-prepped prior to entering the tunnel carwash. There is somewhat of a debate that goes on in the industry, as to whether carwash owners should pre-prepped the cars.
But in the end if the car is not clean enough the customer is not happy and therefore they will not return and you will eventually go into business for not enough customers or get a bad reputation and the competition will end up smoking you in the market place.